Sunday, 30 March 2014


Had to share pancake goodness, these are awesome.
I love pancakes, though I didn't before going primal. But now there's just something good about that banana and coconutty goodness first thing in  the morning. I got the original recipe from tgipaleo and just tweak it as I see fit.

The original calls for:

  • 2 Really Ripe Bananas, mashed
  • 4 Whole Eggs
  • 1 t Vanilla
  • 1/2 t Cinnamon
  • 1 t Baking Soda
  • 1/3 c Coconut Flour
I like to play about with the recipe depending on what I feel like on the day - want some more fruit for breakfast? throw some blueberries into the batter and munch down. How about a side of bacon (everything is better with bacon).

So, this morning I made a batch  that would serve as tomorrow's breakfast as well because I'll be in a hurry to get to Uni. I should also mention that  I like  bigger portions, especially on my workout days.

Here's what I used:
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 3 eggs
  • 1t vanilla extract
  • 1tbs thick honey
Mash and whisk all of that together into a runny batter
Then whack in:

  • about 3 heaped tbs coconut flour
  • 1t baking soda

and whisk until thick but smooth. Everyone has their own batter preferences, and that is the beauty of this recipe. If its too thick with the coconut flour, add a teaspoon or two of water and it should get to just the right runny-ness. If its too runny, add a tad more coconut flour. It's all about experimentation with this one and going exactly from the recipe doesn't work 100%.

Now, grease up a non-stick pan with coconut oil and heat to medium - do not put on a high heat or you will kill it dead, no-one likes simultaneously burnt and sloppy pancakes. Take a large spoon and get small pancakes onto the pan. Here's where the judgement comes in, and patience. When the bottom of the pancakes have set, flip them over - obviously the time will depend on your heat. I have tried to do this too quickly and ruined a batch before. With this recipe, slow is good - good things come to those who wait.

Enjoy with topping of choice; berries, butter, melted coconut butter and honey (my personal favourite duo) and side with bacon or more berries. Trust me, you will enjoy.

I ate the batch before I remembered to take a picture, but next time I will make sure I do and add it here.

Enjoy the pancakes!!!


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