This is my blog will follow my journey and transition into the primal lifestyle. I have been trying to follow Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint for some time and wanted to share my experience. I hope to connect with other type 1 diabetics who may or may not be part of the primal community and highlight the benefits. We type 1's are particularly in danger from conventional wisdom and the standard american diet, or western diet as I am in the UK, but SAD is such a good way to describe this diet and lifestyle that I like it. I'll write a post on type 1 diabetes in the near future, but for now it should be enough to know that our bodies have ravaged themselves and killed off our insulin producing beta cells. This means that we cannot process carbohydrates (including sugars) which, if left untreated severely messes us up.
About me. As other T1's know before diagnosis you tend to be pretty sick before diagnosis. Around two years ago I had lost about 2.5 stone and was down to around 9.5 (or 133 pounds for the Americans out there), my skin was grey, you could see all of my ribs and as much as I would deny it, I had lost a lot of muscle mass. my wonderful fiancee Claire had badgered me to go to the GPs, skip forward a few days and I am injecting insulin and getting used to this whole testing my blood sugars thing. I can tell you one ting for sure, within days I missed my Dr Pepper. But, I was on the mend, or so I thought. I handled everything well, and took the whole thing in my stride. For me, I had to force myself not to wallow about my condition, but just do my best to follow medical professionals advice and keep healthy. I know if I had allowed myself to do anything other, I would have set of to a bad start and hinder my future health. Claire shed a tear or two for me, but I wouldn't let myself.
A year or so on and I had put the weight back on, and was relatively active - biking to work, martial arts, as well as a fairly physical job in support services. I was however on the SAD diet, and this is where problems can arise. My martial arts instructor had introduced me to the idea of paleo eating and suggested I check out and I'm so glad I followed his advice. I suggest that everyone signs up for the primal blueprint newsletter and 7 day free beginner introduction to the lifestyle. The basics are covered and I had to read the full primal blueprint (though it would be months later that I got hold of it). Now, I do my best to live by the 10 laws Mark describes and I couldn't feel better. Throughout this blog I'll put forward the benefits of the primal lifestyle as well as some useful exercise plug ins from Scott Sonnon. I have seen a few type 1 diabetes specific blogs of this kind, but everyone's experiences are different so I wanted to add an extra voice.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll leave you with the Primal Blueprint 10 laws I try to live by.
1. Eat Lots of Plants and Animals
2. Avoid Poisonous Things
3. Move Frequently at a Slow Pace
4. Lift Heavy Things
5. Sprint Once in a While
6. Get Adequate Sleep
7. Play
8. Get Adequate Sunlight
9. Avoid Stupid Mistakes
10. Use Your Brain
Sam Parsons
A year or so on and I had put the weight back on, and was relatively active - biking to work, martial arts, as well as a fairly physical job in support services. I was however on the SAD diet, and this is where problems can arise. My martial arts instructor had introduced me to the idea of paleo eating and suggested I check out and I'm so glad I followed his advice. I suggest that everyone signs up for the primal blueprint newsletter and 7 day free beginner introduction to the lifestyle. The basics are covered and I had to read the full primal blueprint (though it would be months later that I got hold of it). Now, I do my best to live by the 10 laws Mark describes and I couldn't feel better. Throughout this blog I'll put forward the benefits of the primal lifestyle as well as some useful exercise plug ins from Scott Sonnon. I have seen a few type 1 diabetes specific blogs of this kind, but everyone's experiences are different so I wanted to add an extra voice.
Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll leave you with the Primal Blueprint 10 laws I try to live by.
1. Eat Lots of Plants and Animals
2. Avoid Poisonous Things
3. Move Frequently at a Slow Pace
4. Lift Heavy Things
5. Sprint Once in a While
6. Get Adequate Sleep
7. Play
8. Get Adequate Sunlight
9. Avoid Stupid Mistakes
10. Use Your Brain
Sam Parsons
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